Yellowstone seeking public comment on plan to shoot bison with brucellosis vaccine
By Mead Gruver, APFriday, May 28, 2010
Yellowstone proposes shooting bison with vaccine
CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Yellowstone National Park has proposed using air rifles to vaccinate bison to try to reduce the chance the animals could spread a disease to cattle.
The disease is brucellosis (brew-suh-LOW’-sis), which causes infected wildlife and cattle to abort their young. Bison and elk in the Yellowstone region both carry brucellosis, and about half of the bison in Yellowstone are believed to have been exposed to it.
Yellowstone is seeking public comments over the next two months on a plan to use air rifles to shoot bison with projectiles carrying brucellosis vaccine.
The plan has been in the works for years, part of ongoing efforts to prevent bison that leave northern Yellowstone from spreading brucellosis to cattle.
Tags: Agriculture And The Environment, Animal Health, Animals, Brucellosis, Cheyenne, Diseases And Conditions, Livestock Diseases, Mammals, North America, United States, Violent Crime, Wyoming