Colombia detains congressman who was president’s peace commissioner for alleged drug ties
By APThursday, April 29, 2010
Colombia detains congressman for alleged drug ties
BOGOTA — Colombian authorities have detained a lawmaker with ties to President Alvaro Uribe on allegations of receiving drug money.
The Attorney General’s Office says Congressman Luis Carlos Restrepo, Uribe’s former peace commissioner, was arrested Thursday for alleged illegal enrichment.
Restrepo told reporters he can prove his innocence. If anything, Restrepo says, he is guilty of “legal impoverishment.”
The investigation stems from allegations by Hernando Gomez Bustamante, an accused drug trafficker jailed in the U.S., that Restrepo received drug money.
Filed under: Crime
Tags: Bogota, Colombia, Drug-related Crime, Latin America And Caribbean, South America
Tags: Bogota, Colombia, Drug-related Crime, Latin America And Caribbean, South America