“Hiccup Girl” Jennifer Mee Arrested
By Madhusmita, Gaea News NetworkTuesday, October 26, 2010
ST. PETERSBURG (GaeaTimes.com)- Jennifer Mee a.k.a. “Hiccup Girl” who hogged limelight in 2007 with her non-stop hiccupping and landed herself in the NBC’s “The Today Show” has again made headlines, but this time for all the wrong reasons. The 19-year-old Florida girl and her other two associates are charged with first-degree murder of Shannon Griffin, on Sunday. The St. Petersburg Police Department officials are of the opinion that the hiccup girl lured the Shannon Griffin in her house where her two other friends robbed him and killed him several times on Saturday.
The St. Petersburg Police Department officials said in their statement that Jennifer Mee and her crime partners shot Shannon Griffin several times with a .38 revolver, the arrest affidavit says. St. Petersburg Police Department’s spokesman Michael Puetz announced that the victim Shannon Griffin struggled with the suspects in the case at the time of the “robbery” and after that he was shot and “killed”. The police say that the “Hiccup Girl” and others reportedly admitted their crime after much interrogation. The other two associates of Jennifer Mee are Laron Raiford, 20, and Lamont Newton, 22. Police say that the other suspects are also arrested and accused of armed robbery and fatally shooting a man.
The affidavits by the police states that Shannon Griffin received three gun-shot wounds on his chest and one on his shoulder. Jennifer Mee a.k.a. “Hiccup Girl” reportedly ran away from her home in 2007 after she had a fight with her boyfriend. The “Hiccup Girl” is unavailable for comments and the media outlets have not reported if the “Hiccup GirL” has hired any attorney. Jennifer Mee was held in the prison without any bond. The whole incident has shocked her family and her mother Rachel Robidoux reportedly said that her daughter cannot do such an act as she is a “sweet” girl that would not even hurt a “fly”.
Tags: Hiccup Girl, Jennifer Mee, Saint Petersburg, Shannon Griffin, United States