Aimee L. Sword Pleaded Guilty Having Sex with Birth Son

By Soumitra Mondal, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New York ( Aimee L. Sword, 36 year old Michigan mother, is pleaded guilty of having sex with her 14 year old son in 2008. She will go to jail and have to spend 9 to 30 years behind the bars. She gave her child into adoption at 5 years of age and she allegedly found him later through Facebook.

During her sentencing in Oakland County, Aimee L. Sword apologized for not only having sex with a fourteen year old minor but her own biological son as well. She pleaded guilty of first-degree sexual misconduct. She claims to have had only sex once but her son claims they had sex more than once. They allegedly had sex in a Grand Rapids hotel and her home. During the period Sword was married. She lived with her husband. She also had five children of different ages.

When she saw this boy, something just touched off in her and it wasn’t a mother-son relationship, it was a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

Attorney Mitchell Ribitwer said,

Aimee’s searching for a reason why this happened. She can’t understand it. She’s going to get some counseling.”

The adoptive parents of the boy gave permission to the boy to stay with his biological mother but they did not have a clue of what the two were doing. The boy never mentioned anything to his adoptive parents. The truth came out when the boy shared the sexual misconduct with a counselor. Many are concerned about the boy as what the incident may have done to his mind and whether he could return to his future normal life and relationships.

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