Mumbai terror suspect Rana pleads ‘not guilty’
By IANSMonday, January 25, 2010
CHICAGO - Pakistani origin terror suspect, Tahawwur Hussain Rana has pleaded not guilty to charges that he took part in a terror conspiracy involving the deadly 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai.
Rana, 49, a Pakistan born Canadian citizen, also pleaded not guilty during an appearance in federal court in Chicago Monday to charges of providing material support to Pakistan based terrorist group, Lashkar-e-Taeba, blamed for the Mumbai atatacks, and involvement in a plot that targeted a Danish newspaper cartoonist.
If convicted, Rana faces up to a life sentence. Rana, and his Pakistani-American friend David Coleman Headley were both indicted this month on charges he had a hand in the attacks that left 166 people dead in Mumbai.
The duo was also indicted on charges of planning an assault on a Danish newspaper cartoonist who sketched a drawing of the prophet Muhammad that was published in the Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Denmark. The cartoon offended much of the Islamic world, sparking riots.
Headley is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday in Chicago.
Rana’s attorney, Patrick Blegen, said Rana doesn’t have the money to pay for his legal fees and has asked the judge in the case to make Blegen his court-appointed and taxpayer-paid lawyer.
Rana has also appealed against ruling denying him bail pending trial. Blegen said his client has no intention of fleeing and leaving his family holding the bag. “He wants to fight this,” Blegen said.