Kasab death penalty gets wide play in US media
By IANSThursday, May 6, 2010
WASHINGTON - An Indian court giving the death penalty to the lone surviving Pakistani gunman Ajmal Amir Kasab for the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack has received wide coverage in US media.
“India gives death penalty to gunman in Mumbai terrorist attack,” said the Washington Post in a report from its correspondent in New Delhi.
Kasab, it noted was “sentenced Thursday to die for his role in the bloody siege that killed about 166 people and strained relations between nuclear-armed neighbors India and Pakistan.”
The New York Times correspondent in Mumbai was more cut and dry. In a report headlined “Mumbai Gunman Is Sentenced to Death,” it took note of the judge’s ruling that Kasab’s crimes were so reprehensible that “the court has no option except going with the death penalty.”
The Wall Street Journal simply noted “Mumbai Attacks Convict Kasab Sentenced to Death” after being convicted on a series of counts earlier this week.
CNN reported “Mumbai gunman sentenced to death” by hanging after being convicted of murder, conspiracy, and waging war on India. “On receiving the sentence, Kasab lowered his head. He was silent when the judge asked him if he wanted to say anything,” it noted.