
MAKHACHKALA, RUSSIA ( A military unit in the Russian Republic of Dagestan was attacked by a suicide bomber on Sunday which claimed as many as five lives while injuring scores of others.
MAKHACHKALA, Dagestan - Police say a senior investigator in Russia's restive North Caucasus region was shot dead in his home by attackers who bound his wife and son with tape in the room next door.
MAKHACHKALA, Russia - Officials in Russia's violent, largely Muslim republic of Dagestan say a Christian bishop has been shot to death by unknown attackers.
MAKHACHKALA, Russia - Gunmen killed two policemen in separate shootings in Russia's violence-plagued Dagestan region, including one whose father, mother and sister died in previous attacks, officials said Tuesday.
MAKHACHKALA, Russia - Police in Russia's unsettled southern province of Dagestan say assailants have gunned down two traffic policemen who pulled over their car.