THE HAGUE, Netherlands - Two Yemeni men arrested on arrival from the United States on suspicion they may have been conducting a dry run for an airline terror attack were released without charge Wednesday after investigations turned up no evidence to link them to a terror plot, Dutch prosecutors said.
THE HAGUE, Netherlands - A prosecution spokesman says two Yemeni men arrested amid fears they were conducting a dry run for an airline terror attack almost certainly will be released soon.
THE HAGUE, Netherlands - One of two Yemeni men being held by Dutch authorities amid fears they were conducting a dry run for an airline terror attack denies any involvement in terrorism, his lawyer said Wednesday.

WASHINGTON - The FBI probe of two men arrested in Amsterdam after suspicious items turned up in one of the men's luggage is finding they were probably not on a test run for a future terror attack, a U.S.

WASHINGTON - The FBI probe of two men arrested in Amsterdam after suspicious items turned up in one of the men's luggage is finding they were probably not on a test run for a future terror attack, a U.S.