Regulatory Agencies

MADISON, Wis. - An agency that declined to discipline a prosecutor for sending harassing text messages to a domestic abuse victim reopened its investigation Friday amid mounting criticism and new allegations of misconduct.
Wash. sues to stop feds from abandoning Yucca site
YAKIMA, Wash. - Washington state filed suit Tuesday to stop the federal government from permanently abandoning the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository, marking the latest clash in a long-standing dispute over where the nation's nastiest radioactive waste should be stored.
INSIDE WASHINGTON: Missed signs in Toyota recalls
WASHINGTON - When Peter Boddeart's Lexus lurched forward and rear-ended another vehicle in Fauquier County, Va., earning him a police citation, he wrote to federal regulators imploring them to look into his case "before someone ends up seriously injured or killed." That was in 2003.
Holder defends pursuit of white-collar criminals
WASHINGTON - Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday told a panel studying the financial crisis that combating white-collar crimes is "a real priority" for the government, even if it bumps up against another urgent mission, combatting terrorism.
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