
CINCINNATI - A former day care worker at an Ohio church has been sentenced to six months in jail for slipping a dietary supplement into children's candy to get them to sleep.

CINCINNATI - A former Ohio church day care worker has been convicted of endangering children by slipping a dietary supplement into candy to get them to sleep.

CHICAGO - Dreams of rapid weight loss and fake celebrity endorsements from Oprah Winfrey and Rachael Ray lured customers into providing their credit or debit card numbers as they signed up online for a "free trial" of acai berry pills.

CINCINNATI - A former Ohio church day care worker has received a jail sentence for slipping an over-the-counter dietary supplement into candy she gave to children to get them to sleep at nap time.

CINCINNATI - A former Ohio church day care worker has been found guilty of endangering children by slipping an over-the-counter dietary supplement into candy to help them sleep.
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