North Bergen

NORTH BERGEN, N.J. - In a story June 25, The Associated Press reported that the parents of a New Jersey man accused of trying to join a Muslim terrorist group believe an undercover FBI agent encouraged his behavior.

NORTH BERGEN, N.J. - The parents of a New Jersey man accused of trying to join a terrorist group say they believe the FBI fueled the behavior that led to his arrest.

NORTH BERGEN, N.J. - Two terrorism suspects arrested at an airport over the weekend ran afoul of school officials and law enforcement over the last several years, with one considered so disruptive that he was removed from school and taught privately with a security guard present.

NORTH BERGEN, N.J. - One of two terrorism suspects arrested at an airport over the weekend was considered so dangerous as a student that he was removed from the local high school and was taught in a private room at a public library with a security guard present, school officials said Tuesday.
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