
LOME, Togo - Togo's top opposition candidate was pelted with tear gas for a second time Sunday as he vowed to take to the streets every day in protest of what he says was an election rigged to favor the son of the country's longtime dictator.

LOME, Togo - The villa behind the locked gate still bears the bullet marks from a coup that brought down this country's first president.

CABINDA, Angola - Authorities have arrested two separatists in Angola's restive Cabinda region following a shooting attack on the Togolese national soccer team that killed three people, a prosecutor announced.

CABINDA, Angola - Authorities have arrested two separatists in Angola's restive Cabinda region following a shooting attack on the Togolese national soccer team that killed three people, a prosecutor announced Monday.

LAGOS, Nigeria - A young Nigerian man who allegedly tried to bring down a trans-Atlantic flight broke off contact with his worried parents only a few months before the attack, apparently trading a world of wealth for the calling of a jihadist.
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