Las Cruces

LAS CRUCES, N.M. - A New Mexico man who investigators say set his prosthetic leg on fire with a pocketed crack pipe has been arrested.

LAS CRUCES, N.M. - A judge has awarded $87 million to the relatives of three people who were killed in 2004 by a 14-year-old boy on former newsman Sam Donaldson's southern New Mexico ranch.

JOSEPH SKELTON Skelton was studying for the priesthood in Michigan in 1988 when he was convicted of sexual misconduct with a 15-year-old boy and dismissed from his seminary.

In an investigation spanning 21 countries across six continents, The Associated Press found 30 cases of Roman Catholic priests accused of abuse who were transferred or moved abroad.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - It wasn't the kind of call police get very often - a lawyer informing them a man walked into her office and told her he had killed two people the previous day and was turning himself in.
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