Immigration law

PHOENIX - A federal judge stepped into the fight over Arizona's immigration law at the last minute Wednesday, blocking the heart of the measure and defusing a confrontation between police and thousands of activists that had been building for months.

PHOENIX - Two federal court hearings in Phoenix have ended without a ruling on whether the state's new immigration law should take effect amid a flurry of legal challenges against the crackdown.
Judge hears arguments over Arizona immigration law
PHOENIX - The Arizona immigration law came under new legal scrutiny in a packed courtroom Thursday as a federal judge considered whether the crackdown should take effect next week amid a flurry of legal challenges.

PHOENIX - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is a Phoenix courtroom to observe a federal judge's hearing on the U.S.

PHOENIX - A judge has concluded the first of two hearings being held Thursday on whether Arizona's new immigration law should take effect next week amid a flurry of legal challenges against the crackdown.
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