El Salvador

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - Salvadoran police say they have found a third oil drum stuffed with millions of dollars in cash that they believe to be drug trafficking profits.

COMALAPA AIR FORCE BASE, El Salvador - A third man survived last month's massacre of 72 migrants by suspected drug traffickers in Mexico and is now in the United States, Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes said Sunday.

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - El Salvador has made it illegal to belong to a street gang in the wake of an attack on a passenger bus that killed 17 people.

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - Paula Cruz wept quietly at the foreign ministry office in El Salvador's capital after reporting that her son was missing - apparently kidnapped - in Mexico.

SAN FERNANDO, Mexico - Heavily guarded mortuary workers have begun identifying 72 migrants massacred near the U.S.
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