Art Photography

Trial date set in AP-artist dispute in NYC
NEW YORK - A March trial date was set Monday to decide whether the artist who created the Barack Obama "HOPE" image violated The Associated Press' copyright when he based the image on one of the news agency's pictures.

NEW YORK - A striking black-and-white photograph of the majestic Bridalveil waterfall is among numerous that landscape photographer Ansel Adams took with Polaroid film - a technology many celebrated artists embraced to produce innovative and surprising works.

NEW YORK - Groups representing photographers and artists on Wednesday accused Internet search leader Google of copyright infringement in a lawsuit that mirrors complaints book publishers and authors have made for years about the company's attempt to create the world's largest digital library.

LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles police chief and district attorney are defending their exhibit of evidence from famous crimes including Sen.

LOS ANGELES - The son of the late Sen.
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