In Turkey, some see culture clash in gang’s assault on art galleries on opening night

Turkey: gallery attack ignites debate

ISTANBUL — The gang of several dozen men with sticks and pepper spray moved methodically from one art gallery to the next, assaulting overflow crowds that had spilled into the streets during the joint opening of several exhibitions in the center of Istanbul.

Official: NYC doorman says he found missing painting at center of federal inquiry

Official: Missing painting found by NYC doorman

Co-owner of missing $1.3 million painting charged with fraud by federal authorities in NY

Co-owner of missing painting charged with fraud

NYC art dealer who bilked star-studded clientele gets 6 to 18 years prison in $120M fraud

NYC art dealer who bilked stars gets prison time

Outdoor poster blending nudity, Mickey Mouse and swastika causes a stir in Poland

Mickey Mouse with Nazi symbol ignites Polish anger

Mexican authorities recover 18th century paintings stolen from church in 2008

Mexico recovers 2 stolen 18th century paintings

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